
Jesuit Terms

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (Latin), meaning "For the greater glory of God." It is the motto of the Society of Jesus.

这句话体现了耶稣会士对具体行动的完全拥抱与他们对上帝下一步可能召唤他们的关注之间的创造性张力. 非专业组织,如耶稣会志愿服务团,也采取了这种精神立场. In The Active Life, Parker Palmer writes, “Contemplation-and-action are integrated at the root, and their root is our ceaseless desire to be fully alive.”

(Latin), meaning care of the whole person. This fundamental value of the Society of Jesus involves three concepts, according to Brian McDermott, S.J.: Treating people as individuals and honoring their unique worth; caring for the “whole” person (including physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health); and taking into account people’s backgrounds, including their family life, nationality, and culture.

在我们日常生活的具体现实中发现神的方向和指引的过程. . . 辨别力是对你面临的选择进行虔诚的“思考”或“仔细考虑”. 你的目标是在心里理解他们:就像上帝看他们一样看他们. 从某种意义上说,你希望继续这样做多久是没有限制的. Yet as you continue the process, 一些选择应该自己放弃,而另一些选择应该变得清晰和专注. It is a process that should move inexorably toward a decision. (Brother Charles J. Jackson, S.J.)

指耶稣会士(或耶稣会)的特征和气质。, which was founded by Ignatius of Loyola.

The first three letters, in Greek, of the name Jesus. 这些字母作为耶稣会或耶稣会士的官方印章上的符号出现.

(Latin), meaning more. The term traditionally used by St. 伊格内修斯和耶稣会士提出了慷慨卓越的精神-为更大的利益而奋斗-推动我们的事工.

耶稣会:在其疆界内照顾耶稣会士并管理附属各部和工作的区域性组织, a province usually comprises several contiguous states. 加利福尼亚州是联邦机构美国援助署的10个组成部分之一. Related Term: Provincial  A Father Provincial leads each province, overseeing the spiritual needs of Jesuits and matters of governance, aided by a group of consultors and consultants. In the California Province, Jesuit and lay assistants are responsible for a variety of programs, 从发展和通信到中等教育和国际部委.

A type of superior, the rector is appointed by Father General. Rectors are usually the superiors of larger communities. A superior can be appointed by the local provincial.

(大写S和E)一种由洛约拉的依纳爵根据他个人的精神体验和他所听的其他人的精神体验而组织的一系列精神练习. 伊格那丢把所有这些都写在《国外博彩app》一书中,作为一本手册,帮助指导人们“做灵修”的人.相关术语:灵修(小写s和e):任何一种方法或活动,使自己向上帝的精神敞开,并允许自己的整个存在, not just the mind, to be affected. The methods might include vocal prayer, meditation, journaling or other kind of writing, reading of scripture, painting or molding with clay, playing or listening to music, working or walking in the midst of nature.

A mission endeavor or activity

Related to spreading the Gospel message

天主教教理将其定义为“彻底重新定位整个生命,远离罪恶和邪恶”, and toward God.” Bernard Lonergran, S.J.他写道:“这不是用一个新的自我形象来代替旧的自我形象,不管这个形象有多端正. 它深入到一个人的情感、形象、梦想和选择的根源…….”

Father General
耶稣会的总会长被称为总会长神父, 这个词让人想起了依纳爵·罗耀拉早期的军事生涯, founder of the Society.

The education and training of Jesuits, called formation, is a multifaceted process, typically taking 10 to 12 years and involving seven stages: novitiate, first studies, regency, theology, special studies, tertianship, and final vows. The goal of formation is the holistic integration of education, experience, 和价值观,以便耶稣会的神父或弟兄准备好在最需要的地方服务,在他可以做出最大贡献的地方. A “formed” Jesuit is one whose life is grounded in his relationship to Jesus; freed by his vows to serve; committed to partnering with laypersons; immersed in our contemporary culture; and dedicated to the faith that does justice.

(Literally "good news") The good news or glad tidings about Jesus. Plural. The first four works of the Christian scriptures (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Jesus.

A modern theological concept, which expresses that God is already present and active in a culture, 因此,我们对任何特定文化的福音呈现应该被允许在该文化的“土壤”中蓬勃发展.

A member of the Society of Jesus.

(Layperson, laymen, layman, women)信教的人:有宗教信仰的人,有别于其神职人员.

Our way of proceeding
“Certain attitudes, values, 和行为模式结合在一起,形成了所谓的耶稣会的行事方式. The characteristics of our way of proceeding were born in the life of St. Ignatius and shared by his first companions.杰罗姆·纳达尔(Jerome Nadal)写道:“会的形式体现在伊格内丢的生活中,(其中包括)对耶稣基督深刻的个人爱。.”
--Society of Jesus, General Congregation 34


各省行政中心的行政助理或省的“二把手”, commonly known as the curia.

Recommended Jesuit Reading

James Martin, S.J.《国外博彩app》,HarperOne, 2010.
“科尔伯特报告”的牧师提供了这个非常容易理解的指南,以了解圣. Ignatius and the Jesuits.

John O’Malley, S.J., The First Jesuits, Harvard University Press, 1993.
Fr. Peter Ely, 负责宣教和事工的副总裁:“奥马利清楚地阐述了管理协会早期发展的基本原则,并继续指导今天的发展. This is a scholarly work, well documented but also clearly written. 对于想要更深入了解耶稣会的人来说,这是值得的."

Fr. 伊利:“这是一本非常可读的耶稣会历史,有一些重要的耶稣会人物的素描,比如洛约拉的依纳爵, Pedro Arrupe, Matteo Ricci and others. "

耶稣会教育读本:耶稣会教育使命的当代著述, Principles, the Issue of Catholic Identity,  Practical Applications of the Ignatian Way, and More, edited by George Traub, S.J., Loyola Press, 2008.
Fr. Ely: "A useful collection of essays by a variety of authors. 这本书的优点之一是读者可以选择感兴趣的主题,而不需要阅读整本书. The essays are written by some of the best scholars of today."