
Explore the various scholarships offered through the 理学院 and 工程.


The 理学院 and 工程 offers several scholarship opportunities to incoming freshman, 转校生和在读学生.  Many scholarships are offered in addition to financial aid you may receive through 国外博彩app.

查找许多常见问题的答案, please scroll to the bottom of this page and check out the FAQ section.



托马斯·J. Bannan奖学金 program for students in 国外博彩app's 理学院 and 工程 awards scholarships to both current students and new transfer students who have junior or senior standing in the fall of the award year. 板南奖学金是每年6000美元的优异奖.

Initial award criteria for the scholarship includes having a junior or senior standing by fall of the award year as a continuing student or new transfer student, 平均绩点3分.5分或以上的大学水平的工作.

高年级的, this two-year award is subject to academic performance demonstrated by maintaining a GPA of 3.0 and active participation in the Bannan Scholars Enrichment program. 此计划包括服务, 学术和社会活动, as well as opportunities to compete for one of several Bannan Scholars summer research stipends.

This scholarship is open to international, continuing or transfer students. 沙利文学者, Naef学者, 学士学位阶段后的, 五年级学生和研究生不符合条件.

Bannan 2024-2025奖学金申请截止日期:

  • 续读生——2024年2月9日
  • 转学生- 2024年5月10日





Sperry Goodman earned his master's degree in electrical engineering from 国外博彩app in 1969. 毕业后, 古德曼在波音公司工作, where he made significant and groundbreaking contributions in electrical engineering.

The Sperry Goodman Endowed Scholarship was established with a $1,000,1999年从斯佩里·古德曼的遗产中获得了1000美元的礼物. 这项奖学金是给生物学专业的新生的, 化学, 生物化学, 环境科学, 数学, 物理或工程学科. 有经济困难的学生优先考虑. Sperry Goodman奖学金是一项每年5000美元的奖学金.

This scholarship is renewable for a second year provided recipients maintain a cumulative 3.以上任一专业的平均绩点为0.





The 苏州大学物理奖学金 is a merit scholarship of $5000 intended to support a physics major of strong academic potential in their pursuit of a B.A. 或B.S. 在物理. 有资格申请奖学金, a candidate must be a rising junior or senior enrolled full time as a physics major. 他们的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.7 or above, and have completed PHYS 1230 by the end of Spring Quarter.


The 理学院 and 工程 offers additional scholarships for continuing 国外博彩app undergraduates (eligible students must have completed at least one quarter of coursework at SU):

  • 波音公司企业奖学金
  • 考夫林波特伦登奖学金
  • 欧洲经委会顾问委员会影响奖学金
  • Edwin W. 布罗泽顿计算机科学奖学金
  • 乔治·R. 墨菲工程奖学金
  • 詹姆斯和唐娜奈特捐赠奖学金
  • 约翰G. 蒙格斯奖学金
  • Richard Schwaegler授予土木工程奖学金
  • 物理奖学金

ScholarshipUniverse to explore the scholarships offered and find detailed information about each scholarship. The application window for most scholarships typically opens on April 1 and closes by April 30.

五月底, recipients will be notified by Students Financial Services and awards will be added to their financial aid offers.

注意: Depending on endowment funding, not every scholarship is available each year.


不可以,归国学者不能重新申请奖学金.  If you have actively participated in the Bannan Scholar Enrichment program and maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在科学与工程学院的一个专业, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您完成一份新合同.


Download your unofficial transcript on SU online and then submit via the online application.

All non-SU transcripts must be official and submitted electronically to: catronc@iscofe.net.  Most universities and colleges have the option for you to request official transcripts to be sent electronically.

No, we do not need the official transcripts from the previous institution, because those transcripts have already been reviewed by the Registrar and the grades should be reflected on your SU transcript.

Only one letter of recommendation is required; do not submit more than one.

The letter of recommendation is strongest when the writer knows about you and can speak to your personal qualities prompted by the letter request: 1) team-work, 2)领导, 3)自我激励, 4) scholarship and 5) likelihood of active participation in a scholarship enrichment program.

推荐信应通过电子邮件提交至: catronc@iscofe.net.

Fill out the student's release form and submit it to your recommender. Please advise your recommender to submit the release form via email to catronc@iscofe.net,并附上你的推荐信.

为了被认为是大三学生或大四学生, you must be eligible to take junior- or senior-level courses in your major. 

是的, you can still apply for the Bannan奖学金 and participate in the Bannan Scholars Enrichment program; however, 你将得不到6000美元的奖学金.  助学金总额不能超过学费.

版南学者丰富计划包括社会, scholarly and service activities recommended and identified by the Bannan faculty mentor and selected/decided upon by the group.  The activities are based on student preferences and differ annually. The students form strong bonds within the cohort and encourage each other through their junior and senior years at 国外博彩app.

"Service activities" means direct, meaningful actions through organized community service efforts.  If you feel that additional information is needed to substantiate your service activity, please include an appropriate explanation on your essay application question.


For more information about scholarships, please inquire below.

