

一个由教员组成的工作组, 工作人员, 本学年,学生们一直在征求对当前形势的反馈 学生行为准则. The Associate Provost/Dean of Students charged the group to propose a revised Code that considers the following:

  1. 从反种族主义的角度修改被禁止的行为
  2. 纳入和突出替代性/非裁决性解决方案
  3. 将学术诚信评审纳入准则的过程

工作组建议对守则作出重大修订, 并征求对草案修改的反馈意见. We integrated feedback and submitted the proposed final version to the Associate Provost/Dean of Students. 本准则适用于2023-24学年.



  • 用课程方法和学习成果取代诚信形成的使命/愿景
    • 与正在进行的工作相关,使学生发展工作与学术事务保持一致.
  • 突出非正式/非裁决和替代解决方案
    • 与不再强调正式过程的目标一致, 让学生更清楚地知道,这些都是解决报告的可能选择.
  • 澄清学生权利和责任的过程
    • 与使用不太正式的语言格式化策略的目标一致.
  • 在审查委员会中增加学生
    • 与将学生纳入过程的目标一致.


  • 将禁止的行为重新命名为社区标准
  • 将大麻/大麻与其他毒品分开
    • 与州和地区大麻合法化的努力保持一致.
  • 修改扰乱治安和破坏秩序的行为
    • 与学生和教师国外博彩app提供更多细节的反馈一致.
  • Expand examples of sanctions to offer greater clarity and order them based on type of sanction.


  • 学生代替被调查者
    • 与使用不太正式的语言格式化策略的目标一致.
  • 崩溃审查委员会的三个定义, 操守检讨委员会, 和组织审查委员会合并为审查委员会.
    • 与使用不太正式的语言格式化策略的目标一致.
  • 开会代替听证会
    • 与使用不太正式的语言格式化策略的目标一致.


  • 添加目录以方便参考.
  • 在整个文档中插入超链接.
  • 在某些情况下,创建项目符号列表而不是段落,以方便阅读.



The 学生行为准则 is updated from time-to-time to ensure its alignment with best practices as well as legal and regulatory requirements. 对2022-23学年的学生行为准则进行了最小的更新. 这些更新于2022年8月10日发布并生效. 今年的审查产生了一些小的修改,其中包括:

  • 第一页年度欢迎信的编辑.
  • 修订《国外博彩app》的标题,使其符合现行机构的立场.
  • Replacement of the Integrity Formation Mission/Vision/值 with the revised Integrity Formation Learning Outcomes.
  • 修订2.26 to reflect the shift of academic integrity administration processes to the 学生主任办公室 from the Office of the Provost.
  • 3 .工艺澄清.2, Step 3 to clarify the referral of cases from the 第九条协调员 to the 学生主任办公室 for non-Title IX sexual misconduct allegations.

在2022-23学年, 副教务长/教务长将组建一个学生委员会, 教师, and 工作人员 to conduct a thorough review of the 学生行为准则 and recommend changes for upcoming years. 更多细节将与大学社区分享,因为他们是可用的.

The 学生行为准则 is updated from time-to-time to ensure its alignment with best practices as well as legal and regulatory requirements. 对2021-22学年的学生行为准则进行了最小的更新. 这些更新已于2021年8月23日发布并生效. 今年的审查产生了一些小的修改,其中包括:

  • 第一页年度欢迎信的编辑.
  • 2 .政策的小改动.1和2.3用“消费”代替“使用”.
  • 政策的小修改2.33 .反映最新的疾病预防政策.
  • Process clarification in Step 1 of the conduct process to clarify that a complaint may be dismissed upon initial review due to a lack of actionable information.
  • Process clarification in Step 5 to clarify that those serving as advisors cannot be be a respondent or witness in the case.
  • Process clarification in Step 5 to clarify that those serving as witnesses cannot be a respondent or advisor in the case.

The 学生行为准则 is updated from time-to-time to ensure its alignment with best practices as well as legal and regulatory requirements. Minimal updates were made to the 学生行为准则 for the 2020-2021 academic year: these updates were published and effective August 1, 2020. 今年的审查产生了一些小的修改,其中包括:

  • 对第一页的年度欢迎信进行编辑;
  • 明确将虚拟环境包含在管辖权下的第1节中
  • 2 .政策的小改动.20, 2.30,和2.31 .提高清晰度
  • 鉴于2019冠状病毒病大流行,增加了一项疾病预防政策.第8页33页:未遵守大学疾病预防政策, including: physical distancing requirements use of masks and/or other personal protective equipment when required and/or, 在大学网站上招待未经授权的访客, 租赁, 或者管理财产. 有关当前疾病预防政策的更多信息,请访问: COVID-19响应.
  • The addition of the following student right on page 9: The right To be notified of the conduct determination, 包括任何制裁, 以书面形式.

The 学生行为准则 is updated from time-to-time to ensure its alignment with best practices as well as legal and regulatory requirements. 2019-2020年《国外博彩app》进行了实质性修订. These revisions were based on a comprehensive two-year review process that began in March 2017, 并涉及一个由教师组成的全校学生行为准则审查委员会, 工作人员, 本科, 研究生, 法律专业的学生.


  • 精简守则. The updated version of the Code is more concise (about half as many pages as the prior version). 这是通过包括更少的行为标准和更广泛的适用性来实现的, 通过引用某些大学的政策来展示他们的网站, 压缩重复和/或多余的语言.
  • 提高透明度和参与度. 我们创建了一个规则, annual review process for the Code and included a campus-wide committee to assist in revisions. 当本守则有实质性修改时,我们会以电邮通知学生.
  • 更新了红鹰承诺. The 学生主任办公室 formed a separate committee of students to revise the Redhawk Commitment, 已纳入《国外博彩app》的条文.
  • 使用包容性和可访问的语言,并添加了定义部分. We clarified the Code by adding a definitions section to define key terms that are used throughout the document. We also updated the Code to use inclusive and accessible language for our student population(s).
  • 提供了更多的信息,以准备学生的诚信形成过程. We have been developing and updating the Integrity Formation website to include information about navigating the Integrity Formation process.
  • 加强申诉程序. 上诉的时间已增加到裁决后的五个工作日.
  • 更新了可能的制裁清单,并澄清了由谁决定制裁. 类似于策略部分, 我们删除了冗余和/或重复的语言, 以及对现有制裁的补充说明和澄清.
  • 检查学生行为记录. We added a section to describe how students can request access to and inspection of their student conduct records.

The purpose of the 学生行为准则 Review Committee is to advise the Vice President for Student Development by reviewing the 学生行为准则 and making recommendations to align it with best practices. The Committee completed a comprehensive review of the 学生行为准则 during the 2017-18 academic year. 该准则随后在整个2018-19学年进行了编辑和修订. 2019- 2020年准则反映了审查委员会的建议.





  • Evelyn Chow,本科生
  • 雷·艾维,法学院的
  • Alyssa Garcia,法学院的
  • Allison Gibbons, SGSU大学事务副总裁
  • 里克·雷耶斯,本科生
  • 梅兰妮·田田,研究生
  • 布雷登·怀尔德,本科生


  • 瑞安·哈马切克,M.A.,前健康促进司司长
  • Andrea Katahira, J.D., 负责机构公平的助理副总裁, 第九条协调员, 首席平等就业机会主任, ADA / 504协调员
  • 阿米娜·赫瓦贾,学生行为诚信组主任
  • 刘慧玲博士.D., Associate Dean for Counseling Student Judicial Affairs at Highline Community College Adjunct Instructor, 教育学院
  • 查尔斯·劳伦斯博士.D.副教务长
  • 科莱特·泰勒博士.D.,领导专业研究副教授
  • 詹姆斯·威利特博士.D.副校长,学生事务主任

Minor revisions to the 2018-19 学生行为准则 were published and effective on March 29, 2019. 这些修订包括:

  • Updated location of the Department of 公共安全 from the University Services Building to the 1313 Columbia Building.
  • 更新第4节.6 to clarify that consent cannot be obtained from an individual who is incapable of giving consent because the person has a mental, 知识, 或者身体残疾使他们无法给予同意. The phrase that renders them incapable of giving consent was added to provide clarity to the policy.
  • 更新职位名称,由学生主任改为学生主任助理副总裁.

The 学生行为准则 is updated from time-to-time to ensure its alignment with best practices as well as legal and regulatory requirements. Minimal updates were made to the 学生行为准则 for the 2018-19 academic year and were effective September 12, 2018. Proposed changes were reviewed by the Chair of the 学生行为准则 Review Committee and the Vice President for Student Development prior to publication.


  • 总则:更新部门名称、员工名称和职称以及部门位置.
  • Change Redhawk Commitment (page 5): A new Redhawk Commitment was developed by a cross-campus committee during the last academic year.
  • 澄清/增加-第3节.3.5(第9页):报告现在包括两个例子,以协助澄清政策. 这些例子包括公共场所小便和/或排便.
  • 术语第5部分.1(第42页):支持者现在被称为顾问.
  • 修改第5节.2 (page 43): We've extended the amount of minimum written notice given to respondents prior to a hearing from 2 business days to 3 business days. This change was made to ensure that students are able to reschedule or pursue needed accommodations.
  • 修改第5节.2.1 (page 47): We've extended the appeal window for the Integrity Formation and Sexual Misconduct processes to 5 calendar days. This change was made to ensure that all students have an appropriate and equal amount of time within which to file an appeal request.
  • 澄清第5节.第3页(第48页):法典内列出的可能制裁的例子现在按字母顺序排列.
  • 澄清/增加第5节.3 (page 49): Disciplinary probation as a sanction now clarifies participation in study abroad programs as a possible impact.


通过联系提供与学生行为准则相关的反馈 integrity@iscofe.net.

的第5节 学生行为准则 了解更多信息.