
Outlined below are common terms or phrases 使用 through the 完整的形成 process.


定义也可以在附录A中找到 学生行为准则.

术语 定义
学术术语 Refers to quarters, semesters, or sessions based on the University 学术 program
顾问 A member of the 国外博彩app community who provides support to the 被调查者 or 发牢骚的人 during the 完整的形成 process. 参见第3节.2 .查阅更多资料.
上诉官 The 管理员 designated by the Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee to review any case for which a 写 appeal is submitted by a student in accordance with the appeal procedures described in Section 3.3.
发牢骚的人 Any member of the University community who files a complaint or incident report that involves an alleged violation of the Code by a student or student organization. Cases initiated by a University official including 公共安全 do not always involve a 发牢骚的人.
进行管理员 进行管理员s are University officials appointed by the Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee to administer conduct hearings.
进行记录 A record of all incidents where a student was alleged to have violated the Code. Conduct records are maintained by the 学生主任办公室 as described in Section 4.
操守检讨委员会 The highest-ranking hearing board in the conduct process. CRB members are University officials who are appointed by the Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee. The Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee will serve as Chair of the CRB. 当CRB开庭审理案件时, the Chair will empanel at least two members from the membership the board and the Chair.
一天 Refers to a business day which is a day of regular University operation when offices are open (generally Monday through Friday, including 学术 breaks but excluding designated University holidays).
客人 An individual who is not a 国外博彩app student, 教员, 工作人员, 管理员, 董事会成员, or otherwise affiliated with the University in a formal capacity. 宿舍里的客人, 然而, is someone who is not currently assigned to live in a particular residence hall, but may be a commuting student or a student who resides somewhere else on-campus.
事故报告 An incident report (IR) or a 写 complaint is 使用 to notify the University of an alleged violation of the Code. 任何人都可以提交 报告学生关注的问题.
完整的形成 The office charged with maintaining the 学生行为准则 and the 完整的形成 process. Sometimes referred to as the 学生 Conduct office. 参见第3节.2 .查阅更多资料.
临时措施 Actions taken to the promote the safety and well-being of parties, 包括但不限于, 生活空间的变化, 校园就业, 运输, 金融援助, 学术课程.
组织审查委员会(ORB) The 组织审查委员会(ORB) is one of highest-ranking hearing boards in the conduct process. ORB members are University officials who are appointed by the Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee. The Associate Vice President/教务长 or their designee will serve as Chair of the ORB. When the ORB convenes to hear a case for a club/organization, the Chair will empanel at least two members from the membership the board and the Chair.
记者 Means any individual who notifies the University of an incident of alleged misconduct via one of the University reporting options, 是否电子, 写, 或面对面. 有时被称为投诉人.
被调查者 The student and/or organization who allegedly violated the Code. 参见第3节.2.
审查委员会 审查委员会s are the highest-ranking hearing boards in the conduct process. There two types of 审查委员会s are the Conduct 审查委员会 and the Organizations 审查委员会.
制裁 一个教育, 发展, 恢复, or deterrent measure assigned to a 被调查者 because the 被调查者 has been found responsible for a violation of the Code. 制裁s are mandatory and failure to complete an assigned sanction as assigned may result in additional disciplinary action. 参见第3节.4 .获取更多信息.
学生 All individuals who are registered for at least one course at 国外博彩app, 在国外留学或从事服务活动, or, although not officially enrolled for a particular term, 是否有明确的出席意向, 保持出席, 或返回大学. 例子包括, 但不限于, 入学学生, but not taking classes because of an 学术 break, or medical or other personal leave; students who demonstrate the intent to enroll by attending summer/fall orientation; and/or students participating in other institutions’ study abroad programs.
学生组织 Clubs and organizations registered through the Center for 学生 Involvement, 国外博彩app运动队, and sports clubs registered through 大学的娱乐, or any other group of two or more students engaged in activities related to a common interest.
大学社区 国外博彩app students, faculty, staff, officials, alumni and advisory 董事会成员s.
大学官方 A University official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, 监督, 学术, 研究, or support staff position; a contractor, 顾问, or other outside service provider retained to provide various institutional services and functions under contract; or a person serving on the Board of Trustees.
大学的前提 所有土地, 建筑, 设施, or other property that is in the possession of or owned, 使用, 租赁, 管理, 或由大学控制. 大学校舍的例子包括教室, 学生宿舍, 以及校园内的公共空间.
见证 Individuals who have first-hand knowledge about a reported incident. 参见第3节.2 .查阅更多资料.

联系 教务长
