Make a Report

Where & How to Make a Report of Sexual Misconduct

The University’s top priority is the health, safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff and visitors. The University encourages all members of the University community to report incidents of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation to a University official listed below.

A formal report may be made with the University for behaviors that violate university policy and/or through law enforcement for any criminal behavior. If you would like more information before deciding whether or not to make a formal complaint with the University, you are welcome to meet with someone from the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) who will provide information about our process and answer questions you have.

  1. Report To Law Enforcement


    Are you safe?

    If you are not safe from further violence, call 911 immediately.

    Do you need medical attention or is the incident recent?

    Many local hospitals have a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program. The SANE clinician can assist you with calling police. While the SANE program specifically references sexual assault, they are trained in the forensic documentation and medical treatment of injuries dating and domestic violence as well. Click here for additional information about SANE programs.

    Would you like to report directly to police?

    Call 911 and let the dispatcher know that you have been sexually assaulted or experienced dating or domestic violence. You should let them know whether you are in a safe location and how long ago the violence occurred.

    What is a victim advocate?

    A victim advocate is a specially trained person who can support you and provide you with information about the law enforcement process. In many cases, they are able to be with you as you move through the steps of law enforcement process.

  2. Campus Report Against a Student

    The individuals and offices  below are able to receive complaints against students and can answer questions about the process prior to or after making a report.

    Elizabeth Trayner, Ed.D.
    Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity
    Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator
    Loyola 300

    Dr. James Willette
    Associate Provost & Dean of Students
    Student Center 140

    Department of Public Safety
    1313 Columbia Room 002
    206-296-5990 (non-emergency)
    206-296-5911 (emergency)

    A secure reporting tool, with the option to report anonymously

  3. Campus Report Against Faculty, Staff, or Third Party

    The individuals and offices below are able to receive complaints against faculty, staff or third party and can answer questions about the process prior to or after making a report.

    Elizabeth Trayner, Ed.D.
    Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity
    Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator

    Jerron Lowe, J.D.
    Vice President for Human Resources

    Department of Public Safety
    1313 Columbia Room 002
    206-296-5990 (non-emergency)
    206-296-5911 (emergency)

    A secure reporting tool, with the option to report anonymously