Interim Measures

Interim Measures for Addressing Sexual Misconduct

Seattle University offers assistance to all students who experience sexual misconduct, whether or not they pursue formal reporting. Examples of interim actions include:

  • shielding a student from ongoing contact with an individual;
  • taking that individual out of a class or issuing an administrative no-contact order;
  • assigning an individual to a different lab or other clinical setting;
  • asking an administrative authority to speak to the individual to express serious concern about a behavior;
  • reminding the individual of policies and definitions relating to sexual misconduct;
  • offering counseling targeted to addressing sexual aggression; and
  • reorganizing housing assignments so that students can feel safer.

Interim actions do not preclude formal reporting.

To explore options for interim action, contact:

Dr. Elizabeth Trayner
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity
Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator

Dr. James Willette
Associate Provost & Dean of Students
Student Center 140