Seattle University quad and fountain looking north

Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies, BA

探索国外博彩app排名第一的跨学科研究项目,获得广泛的文科学位. Gain marketable skills and real-world experience.

About this Program


跨学科的文科专业探索复杂的问题, such as the nature of consciousness, race relations, what is family, environmental-economic sustainability, immigration, impacts of technology and many more.


In this liberal arts degree, 您将学习如何在不同的利益相关者之间找到共同点,并将他们聚集在一起,以更好地理解和应对这些问题.

灵活地选择符合你兴趣的课程,为你的职业生涯或研究生院提供坚实的准备. 你也可以利用出国留学和实习的机会来进一步拓宽你的视野.

因为我们的项目在课程选择上有最大的灵活性, 你将与教授和顾问密切合作,以帮助你专注于理解和应对复杂问题的方式来规划你的项目, real-world problems you care most about.

Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies at a Glance

了解本科跨学科的通识教育学位如何有助于你的职业目标. 然后,探索课程要求,看看国外博彩app的学位有多大的影响力.

这个学位是为那些决定获得广泛而深入的教育而不是狭隘的学生准备的. 灵活地选择符合你兴趣的课程,为你的职业生涯或研究生院提供坚实的准备.


  • 展示批判性思维的技能,思考权力的不平等如何对社会中代表性不足的群体造成系统性歧视和不平等, political, and economic structures.
  • Demonstrate skills of project management, including self-directed research, imaginative problem solving, 以及对利益相关者和受众期望的认识.
  • Demonstrate interdisciplinarity, the ability to bring two or more disciplines, or areas of research, 关注当代的复杂问题或问题, expressed through written and oral communication, 在某种程度上显示了在利益相关者之间建立共同点的能力.
  • 展示依纳爵教学法精神的元认知和反思, 特别是在教育过程或多学科方面, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary work.

What You’ll Learn



In the Nation


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#4 In the Nation

Best Integrative Studies

Program Designed for Your Success

Labor of Love, Seattle University students

Community Engagement That Makes a Difference

所有跨学科文科专业的学生都自愿为社会正义组织工作,这是一门独特的5学分课程——社区参与领导力的一部分. 它为您提供了现实世界的工作经验和第一手的熟悉如何社区组织的工作. 许多学生选择在课程范围之外继续做志愿者.

Alumni Day of Service Photo, Hallie MacPherson

Internships in Seattle: Real-World Experience

跨学科的文科专业学生被鼓励参加实习以获得学分, 充分利用在西雅图地区工作的机会. 你获得了专业技能、人脉和建议,以追求你的 职业目标.

Film Studies class, movie lighting practice

Choose a Minor to Support Your Career Goals

因为这个文科专业适合你的需要, 你可以选择辅修任何领域来实现你的目标. Majors regularly minor in business, psychology, film, criminal justice, creative writing, economics and more. A double major is also possible.

Gaining Marketable Skills

企业和社区需要创造性的问题解决者, leaders and integrative thinkers, 这意味着仅仅局限于一门学科已经不够了.

作为一名跨学科和综合思考者的训练,会给你提供适合市场的知识和技能,这些知识和技能可以应用到你的职业生涯中, such as project-management, effective communication, teamwork, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity and enterprise.

应届毕业生都在大型科技公司工作, nonprofits, communications, business management, medical fields, counseling, and other professions, and teaching in the U.S., Asia and Europe, and pursuing graduate work. 


最近的毕业生在各种可以想象的盈利和非营利企业中工作, or teaching in the U.S. and abroad. 其他人则在哈佛大学和斯坦福大学等地攻读硕士和博士学位, 以及当地的国外博彩app和华盛顿大学.

有市场价值的技能来自于作为一个跨学科的人的训练:项目管理, effective communication, teamwork, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity and enterprise.

Select hiring companies for program graduates: 

  • Google
  • AmeriCorps
  • T-Mobile
  • Seattle Public Schools
  • Yahoo
  • Verus Investments
  • State of Washington
  • Mariners
  • Blitz Digital Agency
  • U.S. Government

Hear From Our Alumni

Parker Williams

"The effort, research, IDLS课程中所包含的对学习的热爱将在课堂和生活的许多其他方面为你服务……我决定选择IDLS是因为这个专业的规模很小, 能够选择符合个人和学术兴趣的课程, and the faculty support in this program."


  • Sven Arvidson, PhD
    Sven Arvidson, PhD

    Associate Appointment, Philosophy

  • Jennifer Schulz, PhD
    Jennifer Schulz, PhD

    Teaching Professor, English
    Associated Appointment, Psychology

Contact Us!

We’re here to help. 有关国外博彩app跨学科艺术基础教育学位的信息,请联系: